Effective Fall 2023, GBCC will not be accepting any new students into the Nondestructive Testing (NDT) Certificate program at this time.


Nondestructive testing (NDT) is the examination, test, or evaluation of a part without destroying or altering the part in any way, for the purpose of determining whether conditions exist that might have an effect on the usefulness of the part.

The goal of this certificate program is to prepare students for employment as high-quality entry-level technicians within the diverse industries that NDT serves.

Why Great Bay?

NDT is a rapidly growing field that includes rewarding work with many opportunities for career growth – and GBCC can get you started. Courses include a combination of classroom instruction, demonstrations, and hands–on training to support student learning.  Connect the theory to practice as you develop your skills and knowledge. Learn from a variety of NDT experts coming from a variety of industries to increase perspective and networking opportunities.

In-Depth Description

This program will provide technical training in the inspection methods most commonly used in the industries in Southern and Seacoast NH: radiography (RT), ultrasonic (UT), and liquid penetrant (PT), as well as visual inspection. The NDT courses are developed using the American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc, and National Aerospace Standard (NAS) to meet formal training requirements. Industry certification as an NDT Technician must be provided by the employer.

Requirements for certification as an NDT Technician include a specific number of classroom (formal) training for each inspection method, plus a specific number of hours of experience on the job. This program is designed to meet the requirements of classroom hours for level II technicians without previous level 1 certification. On the job experience must be completed after being hired by the company who will do the actual certification.

Dual Enrollment

Students enrolled in the NDT Certificate program may elect to enroll in the Associate Degree in Technical Studies. Dual enrollment is contingent upon active or graduate status of the certificate. Completion of the NDT certificate satisfies the requirement for the technical specialty core of the Technical Studies degree.

This certificate program is offered at our Rochester Campus. 


Contact an Admissions Representative at (603) 427-7600 ex 7500 or gbadmissions@ccsnh.edu
